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South India Give More Importance For Wedding Cards

Hello there! We all think a wedding is just a simple word but this makes miracles in bride and groom life. In South India, there are a lot of rituals behind the wedding function. In pre-wedding both bride and groom’s family do select the Panda Kaal Muhurtham for a marriage function. This puja is for…

Make Your Wedding Day No Longer A Festive Day

The first thing that comes to mind when we think of festivals is Pongal in the month of January, Ramadan in the month of July, Deepavali in the month of October or November and Christmas in the month of December. We celebrate a variety of festivals like this until the end of the year. Why…

Enjoy Inviting All Your Relatives And Friends To A Two-Minds Connecting Wedding

Hello Friends!…Have a Great Day!…. Nowadays we celebrate various kinds of special days like birthday celebrations, ear piercings, flower bathing festival, house warming festival, spring festival. The most important of the golden ceremonies that can be celebrated by relatives and friends like this is the wedding ceremony on the day when two minds unite. Marriage…

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